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Cũ 17-12-2008, 11:40 PM
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Ngày tham gia: Sep 2008
Bài gửi: 31
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Nearly 2000 years ago, the prosperous Han dynasty of China collapsed. Heroes rose and fell, and three nations emerged--Wei, Shu, and Wu. Historians refer to this period as the three kingdoms period. The romance of the three kingdom is an intriguing tale of heroic deeds, of alliance forged and broken, of loyalty and betrayal...

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Cũ 18-12-2008, 07:18 AM
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Ngày tham gia: Jul 2008
Bài gửi: 102
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Cũ 18-12-2008, 07:35 PM
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Senior Member
Ngày tham gia: Sep 2008
Bài gửi: 357
Cool Jama thanked China

Jama thanked China for its support for the Somali peace process and welcomed that China is seriously considering sending naval ships to the waters off the Somali coast for escorting operations.

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Cũ 23-12-2008, 08:09 AM
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Ngày tham gia: Dec 2008
Bài gửi: 135
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Cũ 23-12-2008, 08:50 PM
opqr107 opqr107 vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn
Ngày tham gia: Nov 2008
Bài gửi: 98
Post 直饮机

  直饮机分为家用型和实验型以及� �水工程机
  直饮机是一种通过目前国际流行的反渗透等� �法,对原水进行过滤处理(物理法)� ��不添加任何化合物而生产出可供人类直接饮� �的纯净水机器(也称为终端净水设备� ��。采用水质符合中国卫生部《生活饮 用水水质卫生规范》(2001)规定的市� ��自来水为原水,通过2个活性炭滤芯� �1个颗粒活性炭、1个烧结活性炭)1个P PF溶喷滤芯对原水进行预过滤,再对预 过滤水施加压力令其通过孔径大小为万分之一微� �的RO(反渗透,英文Reverse Osmosis)膜,最后通过材质为果壳(椰� ��)的载银活性碳(又名小T33)调节水 的酸碱度(使制出的纯净水口感变得� �甜醇美)而生产出纯净水。
  直饮机,引进美国先进的超低压逆� ��透技术和配件,生产出国内最为先进� �家用和团体用纯净水装置,该装置产水 优质、安全运行、稳定可靠、操作简单,占地面积小,最有效的去除水中钙、镁� �细菌、有机物、无机物、金属离子和放射性物质等,经� �该装置净化出的水晶莹清澈、甜美甘� ��。该装置适用于家庭和宾馆、酒店、 医院等企事业单位饮用净水使用。
  直饮机制出的纯净水相对于桶装� �更新鲜、更卫生、更安全,它的用途� ��常广泛:可以生饮,也可以烧开喝, 在这方面最突出的特点是水壶或电暖� �再也不会结水垢了;纯水用于烹饪,� ��加卫生,更加可口;用纯水洗浴,可以清除皮肤上� �杂质,滋润皮肤,起到自然美容的效� ��;可以提供给加湿器、蒸汽熨斗、美容仪等水家装所需用水,决不会出现让人讨厌的白� �粉末;与制冰机配套使用,制成的冰� ��晶莹剔透,无任何异味。
  逆渗透技术:逆渗透原文是REVERSE OSMOSIS,它是美国太空总署集合多国科� ��家, 在政府支持下,花费数十亿美元,经� �多年研究而成。 逆渗透的原理是在原水一方施加比自然渗透压力更大的压力,使水分� �由浓度高的一方逆渗透到浓度低的一� �� 。由于逆渗透膜的孔径远远小于病例� �和细菌的几百倍乃至上千倍以上,故各种病毒,� �菌, 重金属,固体可溶物,污染有机物,� �镁离子等根本无法通过逆渗透膜,从而达到水卫士水质软化净化的目的。
  1、采用世界最先进的美国RO逆渗� �膜对水进行处理,过滤精度0.001微米� �保证饮水品质,也就是说本纯水机中� ��渗透出的水是十分纯净的,本产品适 合单位、工厂、食品、饮料、医药、� �子、化工、中空设备、清洗玻璃、及� ��型电子工业水家电纯净用水,家庭及学校直饮水。
  2、采用进口名牌超静音隔膜泵,� ��用寿命长,运行质量可靠。
  3、五级过滤,综合发挥各滤芯的� ��效作用,清除原水中的泥沙、悬浮物 、胶体、有机物、重金属、可溶性固� �、细菌、病毒、离子、无机盐离子、热源和其他有害杂质,仅� �留水分子和溶解氧。
  4、具有高压冲洗逆渗透膜的功能� ��累计工作2小时自动冲洗一次,可有� �延长逆渗透膜寿命。
  5、制水过程自动控制(原水缺水� ��机、储水桶水满停机)。
  6、现制现用现饮,高纯净、低成� ��、全方位满足您的用水饮水需求。
  7、本产品适合个人,单位、工厂� ��食品、饮料、医药、电子、化工、中 空设备、清洗玻璃、及微型电子工业� �备纯净用水,家庭及学校直饮水。
  8、可按照您的用水量来确定购买� ��种型号的RO反渗透纯水机.
  美菱直饮机(纯水机)采用全球� �尖的 RO膜反渗透技术+超滤膜前置处理,RO膜 的孔极小,比水分子大的其他分子都� �法通过,因此经过RO膜过滤的水是最洁净的水了。
  美菱直饮机通过六级过滤,行业� �先的技术,为您带来健康的生活。
  第一级:5微米PP棉过滤,去除各� �悬浮物。如:尘土、沙粒、铁锈等
  第二级:活性碳过滤去除水中各� �分子状污染物。如:化肥、农药、除� ��剂、氯、漂白粉等
  第三级:采用1微米PP棉过滤,只� �许1微米以下的物质通过
  第四级:超滤膜:采用纳料材料� �可去除纳米级污染物,有效保护RO膜
  第五级:RO膜反渗透技术,去除水 中细菌、病毒、重金属、有机化合物� �
  第六级:后置抑菌活性炭抑菌、� �节水的口感甘醇甜美
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Cũ 27-12-2008, 10:27 AM
yooceat yooceat vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn
Senior Member
Ngày tham gia: Dec 2008
Bài gửi: 127
Mặc định I think the only flaw is the heroine

Today read "non-interference not sincere." Is a good love story. I think the only flaw is the heroine of "invention" - that is a bit of clever things, fraud is almost, if this is the way the heroine settle down, he will be greatly reduced the value of people. Although the integrity of the foul and the people who love the United States is the same, but the love of wine is inevitable Bianwei a bit.

The problem is a small film of a homosexual. Homosexuals have looked very uncomfortable, give me a call, that his image has been too sissy. I thought that this issue should look at this:

First of all, so many in the audience of a public offering of Chinese film, there have been a homosexual and heterosexual characters on his reaction was normal, natural, it should be regarded as a breakthrough.

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Cũ 28-12-2008, 09:16 AM
uvwx549 uvwx549 vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn
Senior Member
Ngày tham gia: Jul 2008
Bài gửi: 102
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