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Cũ 22-06-2006, 08:50 AM
mrszubaba31 mrszubaba31 vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn
Ngày tham gia: Jun 2006
Bài gửi: 42
Talking Proud Of You <- hay tuyệt

Proud of you [Giọng nam]

Dạo:C-G/H-Am- Em -F-C/E-Dm7-[Fm6/Ab]*,G7-C

[C] Love in your [G/H] eyes
Sitting [Am] silent by my [Em\G]side Going [F] on holding [C/E] hand
Walking [Dm7]through the [G] nights

(*) Hold me [C] up hold me [G/H] tight
Lift me [Am] up to touch the [Em] sky
Teaching [F] me to love with [Am] heart
Helping [Dm] me open my [G] mind

I can [C] fly
I'm (G/H) proud that I can (Am) fly
To (Em/G) give the best of (F) mine
Till (C/E) the end of the (Dm) time

Be(G7)lieve me I can© fly
I'm (G/H) proud that I can (Am) fly
To (Em/G) give the best of (F) mine
The(G7) heaven in the© sky

Stars in the sky
Wishing once upon a time
Give me love make me smile
Till the end of life

repeat (*) Dạo giữa:C-C/Bb-F/A-G7-C-C/B-F-G7

(F) Can't you be(G)lieve that you light(Em) up my(Am) way
No matter(Dm) how that ease my path
I'll(G7) never lose my(G) faith

See me fly
I'm proud to fly up high
Show you the best of mine
Till the end of the time

Believe me i can fly
I'm singing in the sky
Show you the best of mine
The heaven in the sky

(F)Nothing can (C/E)stop me
(Dm7)Spread my(G) wings so ©wide

Proud of you [Giọng nữ]


(G) Love in your(D/F#)eyes
Sitting(Em) silent by my (Hm\D)side Going© on holding (G/H)hand
Walking (Am7)through the(D) nights

*Hold me(G) up hold me(D/F#)tight
Lift me(Em) up to touch the(Hm) sky
Teaching© me to love with(Em) heart
Helping(Am) me open my(D) mind

I can (G)fly
I'm (D/F#)proud that I can(Em) fly
To(Hm/D) give the best of© mine
Till(G/H) the end of the(Am) time

Be(D7)lieve me I can(G) fly
I'm (D/F#)proud that I can (Em)fly
To(Hm/D) give the best of© mine
The(D7) heaven in the(G) sky

Stars in the sky
Wishing once upon a time
Give me love make me smile
Till the end of life

repeat * Dao giua:G-G/Fb-C/E-D7-G-G/F-C-D7

©Can't you be(D)lieve that you light(Hm) up my(Em) way
No matter(Am) how that ease my path
I'll(D7) never lose my(D) faith

See me fly
I'm proud to fly up high
Show you the best of mine
Till the end of the time

Believe me i can fly
I'm singing in the sky
Show you the best of mine
The heaven in the sky

©Nothing can (G/F#)stop me
(Am7)Spread my(D) wings so (G)wide
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Cũ 23-06-2006, 11:46 AM
bigfatfamily bigfatfamily vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn
Junior Member
Ngày tham gia: May 2006
Bài gửi: 14
Mặc định

Giọng nam này ko hợp với mình lắm! Hát nghe ẹ quá... Nhưng tất nhiên không phải do hợp âm đâu mà do giọng mình thôi (
Thành viên Big Family Family - Hội sinh viên ĐH Ngoại Thương
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